Cambridge Junior Chess & Go Club

A club in Cambridge for children to play Chess, Go and other traditional board games

We have meetings in the north of Cambridge on Wednesdays and in the south of Cambridge on Thursdays

In October 2024 our club will be 30 years old, we will have some special events to celebrate

Club Meetings

On Wednesdays we meet from 5:30pm to 7pm at St Augustine's Hall, Richmond Road, Cambridge CB4 3PT. On Thursdays we meet from 5:35pm to 6:50pm at St Philip's Church, 185 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 3AN. All meetings cost £3 per week. Or you can pay for a whole term in advance for £30, contact Paul (paul361smith at gmail dot com) for the bank details.

Weekly Meetings

Children of any age from 6 to 16 are welcome at both meetings. Parents may leave their children at the club or they may stay, they are welcome to join in the club activities if they are interested. The first part of each meeting is a short teaching session which usually alternates between Chess one week and Go the next. In the second part of the summer term we teach and play some other traditional games from around the world too.

Teams and Competitions

We have club chess teams which play in the Online Junior 4NCL Chess League We have club Go teams which play in the Euro City Youth Go League At the end of each autumn term we have a club Chess Championship and Go Championship Each year we run heats of the UK Chess Challenge and UK Go Challenge In the summer term we sometimes have competitions of other games such as Oware, Shogi and Chinese Chess